"Tax it. Regulate it. LEGALIZE it." : "We lean a little to the Left..."- Willie Nelson
To legalize Marijuana for adult use in all of its forms -
Recreational, Medicinal and Industrial.
The Teapot Party was founded after Willie Nelson was arrested for marijuana
on Nov. 26, 2010. Nelson said, "There's a Tea Party. How about the
Teapot Party?" And with simple statement, a new star in the political cosmos was born. |
On July 19th in Cincinnati, the Cincy/NKy chapter took a small group of activists and
local candidates to
Willie's Horseshoe Casino to get endorsements from the Man himself
and his
National Party!
Check out the pics and audio endorsements!
(Click picts to enlarge) |

Willie, Happy Hemptress
& Cannabus Stacey |

Willie endorses
Jim Berns
for Mayor

Willie endorses the Vets MMJ w/ Tony Vance

Willie endorses Ohio Rights w/ Linda Bumpass
ORG Audio Endorsement 1
ORG Audio Endorsement 2
ORG Audio Endorsement 3

Willie meets Russ Hurley's son Matthew Hurley |

Willie meets our photographer Sherry

Willie meets Linda's
son Jake |

Group at Willie's Horseshoe show 7-19-13 |